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What kinds of assessments do you use?

There are hundreds of assessment tools available to coaches. While I am certified to use a variety of them, and experienced with many others, I most frequently use the following three assessments in my work with leaders.

Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP). Also known as the Leadership Development Profile (LDP). There is increasing evidence that leaders are being asked to take on responsibilities and tasks that are beyond their current developmental level. This tool, based on decades of research by Cook-Greuter and others, assesses the leader’s current stage of adult development. The results are used to create an individual development plan and design developmental practices. I am certified to administer, score and debrief this assessment. Click here to learn more about the MAP.

The Leadership Circle Profile (TLCP). This is a 360° assessment that measures not only leadership competencies, but also the belief systems that can impede the full utilization of those competencies. Leaders complete an online self-assessment and are able to gather data from up to 40 others. TLCP aligns with Senge’s model of the orientation of the creative, and comes with a comprehensive manual to support development planning. It is also correlated with stages of adult development and supports my developmental approach to coaching. (To learn more about this tool, please visit leadershipcircle.com).

Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI). This is probably the most widely-used and well-researched personality tool in the business world. It assesses an individual’s type and is particularly useful in expanding a leader’s self-awareness, improving interpersonal communication, managing conflict, developing teams and coaching others. It also has a developmental component which can be used alone or in tandem with the MAP.