executive coach tampa florida columbus ohio
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When is executive coaching appropriate?

In general, executive coaching is appropriate for a leader who wants to be more skillful in his or her present role, is at risk for derailment, or to develop him/herself for greater responsibilities. Below is a list of the most common situations in which I work with a leader.
  • Preparing high potential leaders for roles of greater responsibility

  • First 100 days - Supporting leaders who have stepped into new positions or roles

  • Developmental coaching - Supporting leaders to transition to later stages of development to meet the challenges of their current roles

  • Performance coaching – Building a skill set the leader lacks that is perceived as critical for success in the role (the leader may be at risk for derailment if the desired competencies are not acquired)

  • Leadership development - Exploring, developing and testing the leadership competencies and capacities of current and emerging leaders

  • Executive agenda - Supporting leaders during a significant change initiative, reorganization, project or challenge

  • 360 Feedback - Administering a 360 feedback tool, providing the leader with feedback and creating an individual development plan for the leader to implement on his/her own