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executive coach tampa floridaorganizational development consultantexecutive coach organizational development consultant
Barbara Braham
Barbara Braham, Ph.D., is an executive and leadership coach who works with individuals who want to move their organization forward, and realize their potential. Coaching gives Barbara the opportunity to work with individuals who, like herself, are committed to professional development and personal growth. Her coaching services are designed to help leaders:
  • get the outcomes they want in their work
    and in their relationships
  • make successful transitions into new roles and responsibilities
  • expand their capacity to learn and self-correct
Barbara has worked with leaders in not-for-profits, government, associations and corporations. Typically, she is engaged because a leader has assumed a new position, is being groomed for a higher position, or to address a blind spot that is limiting the effectiveness of the leader. She uses a variety of assessment tools in her work including The Leadership Circle Profile (TLCP) 360, the Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP), which assesses leaders’ stage of development, and the MBTI.  She was part of a cadre of Leadership Circle coaches who coached in the Notre Dame Executive Integral Leadership Program from 2004-2019.

Applying stages of adult development to her work with leaders is one Barbara’s areas of expertise. She taught a course in the Georgetown University Coaching Certificate Program to aspiring coaches on how to coach using a developmental perspective from 2008 - 2020. She has also taught several intensive workshops to coaches and leaders on how to increase their effectiveness through an in-depth understanding of stages of adult development. She designed and delivered an in-house developmental coach training program consistent with ICF guidelines. Barbara is certified by Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter to administer, score and debrief the MAP. Since the onset of the pandemic, she has taught a wide range of webinars in addition to Stages of Development, including Managing Transition and Integrating Poetry into Coaching.

An accomplished author, Barbara has written eleven books and one e-book.  Finding Your Purpose has been translated into seven languages.

She has been an adjunct faculty member at Antioch University, the University of Minnesota, Wright State University and The Ohio State University.

In 2015 Barbara launched a new program, Living with the End in Mind, which is a year-long program for individuals who want to prepare for their death, or the death of a loved one. As an adjunct to this, she offers a specialized coaching service for couples who want to prepare themselves for the reality that one of them will die first.